Monday 17 February 2014

The ESO Release Date is Here—How Are You Going to Party?

After longer than most of us like to remember, in December Zenimax announced an official ESO release date. On April 4, 2014, players will finally be able to roam freely through Tamriel, hunting enemies, each other, and the Ruby Throne. Long standing gamer tradition would have all players haunting the stores for hours before they open, racing inside to grab their reserved copies, and dashing home to lock themselves in their rooms and not come out until starvation and a bursting bladder drive them from the game.

Well, that or the inevitable server crashes from overload occur, sparking worldwide outrage. That’s a tradition too, even if no one much likes it.

But there has to be a better way to celebrate the Elder Scrolls Online release. Something more than lines, hermit-like behavior and server crashes. Geeks and gamers aren’t exactly the coolest kids on the block, but we know how to have some fun, don’t we?

So here are three ways to spice up your ESO release date into something really memorable.

Game Day Party – Like a Superbowl party, except everyone brings their favorite game munchies and computers. Sure, it’ll take a bit of work, and a lot of bandwidth, but for this one day, get a bunch of friends in one room, kicking butt and taking names together, while you munch food, mock each other’s newbish moves, and race to level ahead of your fellows. Prove that ‘gaming’ and ‘social’ are not actually mutually exclusive.

Online Insanity – It’s a sad truth that not everyone has local gamers they can hook up with, or enough bandwidth to really go crazy together. But there are other options. Set a plan with some friends to meet up in game and take on Tamriel together. Have leveling races, use an online dice roller to divide loot, bet your best equipment that jumping off that ledge really won’t kill you—it’ll just hurt. A lot.

Make a momento – Why should you just play on the ESO release day? Why not do something special. Get together with a group of friends and get your characters dancing for the Unofficial ESO Release Day Music video (on YouTube and Vimeo starting 4.5.14). Spend an hour getting the most awesome possible screenshots to share and compare. Or come up with something totally original that no one else has ever done before.

Get the shirt – Because nothing says “I was there on the ESO release date” like a Cafepress shirt with a picture of the hordes you climbed over, under, and through at the game store for your mint-condition, release date copy of ESO. Seriously. Then you can literally say, “I got the shirt.”

What are your plans for the ESO release date? Are you gonna hunker in your gaming bunker and focus on kicking butt and taking names? Will you go wild making music videos or racking up achievements? The options are nearly endless, and you have less than four months to get your plans in place.


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