Friday 4 April 2014

5 ESO Tips for TES Fans

Every video gamers has their favorite game type and style. For many long time TES fans, their prefered game is a single player RPG with lots of world building and flexible character design. If this sounds like you, then the latest TES installment, Elder Scrolls online, is a radical departure from their preferred game type, and its possible you've never played an MMO before.

If you are leery of where TES is taking your favorite game series, but still want to give ESO a try, here are five tips to make the transition easier for you:

1) Consider picking up an ESO guide. A good ESO guide will introduce you to the characteristic MMO features of ESO, helping you learn how this installment is different from what has come before. If you do pick up an ESO guide, make sure that then one you get is written for people who are new to MMOs.

2) Focus on solo play. Just because ESO is a MMO doesn't mean you have play with a group or PvP. Infact, there is only one place for PvP--Cyrondil. If you just want to play ESO as a single player RPG, you can totally do that. Just building your character and set off into the world. Leave the chat closed, and have some fun.

3) Learn along with a friend. If you have a friend who is also a long time TES fan, you might want to play together, instead of soloing. This way you can get an introduction to how group play can work with someone you trust. WOrking together, you can take on Tamriel, complete quests, and figure out the MMO stuff that is strange to you.

4) Don't get too caught up in the classes. In traditional TES games, you could pretty much build your own class, but that doesn't work very well for an MMO, so ESO has four pre-built classes. Each of these classes has their own strengths, but they are far more flexible than most MMO classes. Some MMO players get real caught up in matching the right class to the right race, and which class is the most powerful and similar power gaming. If you are new to MMOs don't worry about any of that. Just pick that class what seems to most closely match your usual TES play style. Once your comfortable with the game you can always come back and try other classes.

5) Join a good player guild.Player guilds in MMOs serve several purposes, but one of their main ones is to bring players together so they can help eachother. Look for a smallish guile (20-50 members) that is interested in supporting its members. Long time MMO players in the guild will be able to answer your guestions and help you out of tight spots. Plus, as an experienced TES player, you'll know a lot about the world that long time MMO players won't, so you can helo them when they have questions.

Since ESO hasn't even come out yet, your best bet for the moment is to pick up an ESO guide and start getting familiar with what you can expect. Then once the gam starts, use tips 2-5 to get yourself up and running. You'll be ESO expert in no time.

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